Guys, it has come time to actually stop posting to my least for now. I am so busy trying to get everything straightend out that I don't have time to even post the freebie in advance.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Last Freebie: New Year's Eve Papers
Labels: freebie, New Year's Eve Papers
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Curly Frames Freebie
Here is today's digital scrapbooking freebie: Curly Frames. There are 18 frames in this set.
Labels: Curly Frames, freebie
Monday, December 29, 2008
Something Different: Rolodex Template Freebie
Ok, here is something a little unique you may like. This is the Rolodex Template.
Labels: freebie, Rolodex Template
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Your Layouts
Deborah at Misfit Princess has made a tag using one of my Boo Boo Templates. Here is her version of my Broken Arm Template.
Freebie: Victorian Seaside Tags
Well I survived my first day at the new part time job. It was pretty cool. I'm still working my last days at the gym so they are overlapping right now. I apologize to those I am ignoring right now! There just isn't enough time in the day!!!
Labels: freebie, Victorian Seaside Tags
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Hanukkah Freebie: Meonrah Papers
As promised, here is the second Hanukkah freebie for the holidays. This is a set of eight Meonrah Papers.
Labels: freebie, Hanukkah, Hanukkah Papers, Hanukkah Template
Friday, December 26, 2008
Kwanzaa Papers Freebie

Labels: freebie, Hanukkah Template, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa Papers
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas: Ornament Templates Freebie
Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope your holidays have been great.
Today's digital scrapbooking freebie contains 10 Christmas ornaments that you can fill any way you like.
Get the Ornament Templates here.
If you don't like the drop shadow on the ornaments you can delete it with your magic wand tool.
And here are a couple of examples of what you can do with these templates:
Labels: Christmas, freebie, Ornament Templates
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Holly Template Freebie
Sorry so late today. I was out last night and didn't get to schedule my post in advance like I usually do.
Today I am posting a template I made last year. It corresponds with the Holly freebie I offered last year.
That freebie is one of the few I discontinued from my site, but you can actually "lift' the individual holly off the template if you still want to use it.
Also the Holly Set and Holly Set Add On are the first themed kit I ever designed and they make use of this same holly pattern. Get them here.
Here is the Holly Template for you. Merry Christmas!
Labels: freebie, holly, Holly Template
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Freebie: Currier and Ives II Add On
Today is the second part of my Currier and Ives II offering. I hope you caught the first part yesterday!
Here is the Currier and Ives II Add On for your downloading pleasure! LOL
Happy Holidays!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Currier and Ives II Freebie
Last year at this time I introduced a Currier and Ives themed collection. It was very popular so I thought I would offer something similar this year.

Labels: Currier and Ives, Currier and Ives II, freebie
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Hanukkah Template Freebie
Taking a break from Christmas freebies today to offer one of two Hanukkah freebies. The second one will be here right after Christmas.
Labels: freebie, Hanukkah, Hanukkah Template
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Santa Papers Freebie
It is getting closer and closer to Christmas. I'm working hard to keep up the holiday freebies, but work is hectic right now. We are trying to get all our paying clients taken care of before the gym closes.
Labels: Christmas, freebie, Santa Papers
Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas Is...Template Freebie
Here is another Christmas template I designed for you. This cute template uses a gift box as a picture frame.
Labels: Christmas, Christmas Is Template, freebie
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Freebie: Christmas Bows
The digital scrapbooking freebie for today is a set of elements that can be used at Christmas, but also can be used for birthday layouts.

Labels: Christmas, Christmas Bows, freebie
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My Christmas Angel Template freebie
This is a template that I made last year at Christmas but never offered. I couldn't get it the way I wanted it. So I held on to it and waited until this year.
Labels: Christmas, freebie, My Christmas Angel Template
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Angel Cookie Collection Add On Freebie
Today I am offering the second half of yesterdays' Angel Cookie Collection. There are more papers, banners, an overlay and another tag in this set.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Angel Cookie Collection Is Freebie of the Day
What would Christmas be without Christmas cookies? I remember that was part of the holiday ritual at our house when I was growing up. I loved to bake and so we would have tons of cookies!
Labels: Angel Cookie Collection, Christmas, freebie
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Freebie: Christmas Papers
The digital scrapbooking freebie for today is 12 papers with a cute little Christmas tree design. The colors are
"Christmasy" but also wintery!
You may download the Christmas Tree Papers freebie here.
I hope everyone is having a great holiday season!
Labels: Christmas, Christmas Papers, freebie
Saturday, December 13, 2008
An Update On Me
So many of you have continued to show concern for me and for my situation. I appreciate your inquires into how I am doing! It is so comforting to know that complete strangers wish you well.! It makes the mean and deceitful people seem petty in comparison to those with kind hearts!
The latest update in the saga that is my life is not a good one. The company I have worked for since moving to Florida in 2002, Bally Total Fitness, declared bankruptcy. It announced on Wednesday that it would close 20 locations nationwide.
One of those 20 locations is the club where I work. On January 9, 2009 I will no longer have a job. And since my ex finace' isn't around anymore, and since he took 3/4 of my savings when he left, I find myself in a huge bind.
I have taught fitness classes for the last 10 years. Now it appears I will have to put that on hold so that I can get a job that pays full time. I have to pay my bills. Then, if I can fit a class or two a week into that schedule I will try to find an opening at another club.
This, on top of what has already happened is certainly a lot to have to bear. I am so grateful to all my friends (at work as well as here on the internet.) I know that I have people who are concerned about me and my welfare helping me to look for job openings in the area.
I am trying to be upbeat about this whole thing. Everyone says that I am better off without that worthless SOB I thought was my friend and my soulmate. He was only holding me back!!!
Labels: Bally Total Fitness