Sunday, January 6, 2008

An Apple A Day Freebie

I hope you are getting used to my blog's new look. I still have a couple of things I want to try before I am satasified. I just want it to be DIFFERENT! LOL

Today's digital scrapbooking freebie started in yesterday's Parchment Package Add On. One of the shapes in that set is an apple. Well, I couldn't just leave that one little apple out there by itself! So beginning today there is a series of 3 Apple Sets.

The first apple set consists of variations of red. Some apples are traditional looking, while others are stretching it a little bit. Get the Red Apple Set here and come back tomorrow for the Green Apple Set. Then on Tuesday I'll have the Yellow Apple Set for you to download.

Here are some samples of all 3 packages.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing!