Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Arkansas Template Freebie

This is the second freebie offered today. If you missed the first one, the St. Patrick's Day Set, then you can get it here.

This Arkansas template is #43 in the State Template Series. I can't believe I've made 43 of these things! Some I like more than others. It is challenging to keep the elements in the templates from repeating several times in other templates. I'm trying to imagine your finished templates as a slideshow.

I know my Dad finally visited his last of the 50 states when he went to Hawaii in February. I know many people still travel in RVs and tour the country. How nice is it to be able to digital scrapbook while you are still on your trip? With or without a network connection, you can just pull up your stuff on a desktop or laptop and not have to worry about lugging all the scrapping stuff around like you would in paper scrapping.

For those of you who fall into that category, please pass my website information on to fellow travelers who might be interested in these state templates. Thanks!